Annie Swincinski

Creative Director

Annie Swincinski is a dynamic professional, working as the creative director for Advaita Prana. With an undergraduate degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design and a Master’s degree in Ayurveda as Integrative Medicine, she dedicated to empowering individuals to advocate for their wellness through traditional practices.

Annie was fortunate to study in Kerala, the home of Ayurveda, where she found herself immersed in the wisdom traditions of the sub-continent at Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Hospital.

Annie also specializes in Ayurvedic education, and plans to offer on-line programs, occasional in-person workshops and destination Retreats where her offerings will aim to help other discover and come to love their own true nature.

Her unique blend Vata-Pitta Prakriti not only informs her creative direction but also enhances her ability to blend artistic design with the intellectual rigor required to curate educational content for her clients. Her commitment to holistic healing is exemplified by her multifaceted approach, making her a valuable asset in the field of wellness advocacy.